Chestnut Grove Academy
45 Chestnut Grove
Balham, London SW12 8JZ
T: 020 8673 8737

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Frida Kahlo de Rivera was a Mexican painter who is best known for her self-portraits.

Although the namesake of our house, I have never looked in detail at into the life of Frida Kahlo. There have been some documentaries about her on television, which some of you have watched during tutor time, and also the fashion world has taken inspiration from her colourful print clothes and made them the item to have in your wardrobe for 2014-15. This inspired me to look into her background and what we can learn from her interesting past.

  • Frida had a serious accident when she was 18 and had a metal rod pierced through her pelvis and spine. She had to lie down in hospital for nearly a year and it is there that she started to paint self portraits after her father put a mirror above her hospital bed. At a time of great distress in her life she was able to showcase her talent as an artist.
  • Frida has a traumatic personal life and the subject of her paintings reflected this. She used her own experiences to paint her most famous paintings and channeled her energy into her talent.

Students in Kahlo take pride in the way they represent the Academy and the house in all aspects of school life.  We are determined to try our best in all elements of our school work and use our energy to make a difference in our community and to our learning. Kahlo students excel in team situations like Sports Day and the traditional Tug of War competitions; we don’t always win but we have happy participants.


7 Kahlo  Ms Holmes

8 Kahlo  Mr Malik

9 Kahlo  Ms Vanstone

10 Kahlo  Ms R Robinson / Mr Hobbs

11 Kahlo  Mr Tobin